
Friday 20 August 2021

Power Puff Boys

With the high level of retail turnover that is being experienced (mainly) in Brisbane CBD, it offers me a constant stream of options for places to try. With the inevitable demise of Doughnut Time, Power Puff Boys have taken up the shopfront, selling choux pastries with an assortment of Asian style fillings.

There wasn't too many flavours for me to choose from when I visited, but there were definitely enough to satisfy my cravings. The puff pastries weren't that big, especially when compared to Juno Bakery downstairs, but the price was fair at $4 each.

Not being able to stick to one flavour, I bought two. Each was packaged in an adorable box which meant that the cream on top of my milk tea puff was not damaged in transit.


As alluded to, I had the Brown Sugar Milk Tea and of course Matcha.

Although they travelled well, they did not fare well being cut in half, with the Milk Tea one having completely collapsed into a puddle of mess, the Matcha one held up a bit better. Taste wise, the choux pastry wasn't as crisp as it could have been, probably from the filling having sat in the pastry for a while. I found the filling to be quite sweet with not as much tea flavour as I would have liked. Overall it wasn't bad, but there are better options elsewhere.

Price Range: $4 each

Taste: 6/10
Value: 6/10
Service: 8/10
Environment: N/A

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