Tuesday 14 May 2024

Dough Craft - Brisbane CBD

How much would you pay for a coffee, a pastry and a sandwich? How much is reasonable? I thought I had an understanding in my mind but I was recently taken aback at my lunch at Dough Craft last week. Having seen on social media that they had a newly opened branch out on Mary Street, I arranged a catch up with a friend there for a mid lunch.

Arriving just past 12 on a Thursday, the place was bustling but not full. There was an assortment of pastries and sandwich on order at the counter (notably with no price tags) and QR codes on the table for other items. I was taken aback when told the price, which in turn lead to fairly high expectations for my meal.

After ordering, we found our own seats and sourced our own water and serviettes. 

My fig pastry and long black was first to arrive. The long black was fairly standard in size and in taste, I wouldn't say it was particularly smooth, but it definitely gave me enough caffeine to power through the afternoon, and didn't come with an excess of ice.


I also had the Victoria sandwich containing ham, mushroom as well as some greens (spinach if I remember correctly). Being a bakery, I had high hopes for the bread. This turned out to be very hard, crunchy and dry. My companion made the same remarks about her sandwich too. As for the fillings, the flavours worked well to complement one another, however there definitely could have been more filling when the sandwich alone cost almost $16.

We also shared the daily special, fig danish. It was fairly pretty with a fair amount of fig, atop a generous amount of fresh cream. In spite of what one of my friends had said, I quite enjoyed the flaky pastry of the danish, and the sweet yet tart fig. Having said that, the layering was not as buttery or as indulgent as the not too far away Lune. Although I would say I liked this danish, I have to say it wasn't worth the $10.50 price tag.

So back to my question at the start. How much would you pay for a coffee, a pastry and a danish? It's fair to say that $32 total is still a fairly shocking price (to me) in this day and age and it goes to show why Doughcraft probably don't put prices on their signs. Lesson learned for next time and I'll definitely be going to Lune instead. At least I satisfied my curiosity.

Price Range: $25 - $35pp

Taste: 6/10
Value: 2/10
Service: 6/10
Environment: 8/10

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